Afrique du Nord

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Candidatures ouvertes entre le 20 avril et le 28 mai

Vous serez amené à donner des informations sur vous et sur votre projet dans le formulaire de candidatures. Notez qu'il est possible de sauvegarder le formulaire et de le compléter plus tard.

Les participants seront notifiés quelques jours après le 28 mai de la suite de la procédure de sélection.

Frequently asked questions

What is the BiPP ?

The Biodiversity Partners Program (BiPP) is a project-based learning and training programme that blends the most recent research about biodiversity regeneration and nature-based solutions and innovative practices related to managing a project in a complex world. This acceleration programme provides practical support to the conceptualisation and refinement of pro-nature business or project ideas. It is a six-month journey that brings together changemakers from diverse sectors.

Who can apply ?

The BiPP is open to Southern African-based entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs living in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini/Swaziland, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Applicants should have an existing business or project or a good concept of what they want to do, as well as being committed to the duration of the programme - seven months - and able to travel to South Africa for the sponsored in-person session.

How much does the BiPP cost?

BiPP is a fully paid for programme by AFD Group Campus.

When does the BiPP start?

Induction webinar will take place on Monday, 2 December.
Programme starts on Tuesday, 21 January.

What are the criteria upon which I will be selected?

Candidates will be selected based on their application, motivation, and the impact on biodiversity restoration and the potential in terms of innovation and the potential impact for society of its project. The potential of scalability and replicability of the project are also part of the criterion upon which the jury will assess each application.

What are you referring to as an innovative project or pro-nature project?

The Biodiversity Partners Program aims to support the emergence and acceleration of new regenerative practices on biodiversity in a wide spectrum of sectors. We understand innovative and pro nature projects as projects that:
- Do not simply focus on the conservation of nature, but encompass a much deeper ambition in order to bring together human development and biodiversity restoration.
- Establish a new method or practice that improve biodiversity considerations substantially in a given context.

When will the selection be announced ?

By Monday, 18 November

In terms of personal time and time management, how is the programme organised?

Phase 1: 25 hours online, up to 10 hours at home

Phase 2: 14 hours online, up to 15 hours at home

Phase 3: 10 days in person excluding travel time

Phase 4: up to 30 hours online (including mentoring) and 20 hours at home

What documents do I have to prepare for the applications?

Everything you need to prepare is detailed on the application form.

Who selects the participants?

A selection committee comprising representatives of AFD and African Project Solutions will review all applications and select the finalists.

Any questions ?

Contact us